Golf Tournament Check Presentation

The Light of Christ Council was proud to present checks to the St. Ignatius Loyola School Scholarship Fund, the John Paul II Center for Special Learning, Mary’s Shelter of Reading, and Opportunity House of Reading. The net proceeds from our fourth annual Charity Golf Tournament were $18,280! What a fantastic event. Thank you for your support!

Eucharistic Miracles

The Light of Christ Council presented the Vatican International Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition over the weekend of July 15 and 16. Over 300 people visited the exhibition comprised of 152 posters highlighting the miracles and the tests performed to validate them.

All You Care to Eat Breakfast with Santa Claus

Sunday, December 18 from 8:00am to 11:00am in the St. Ignatius Loyola School Hall. It’s our biggest event of the year! Bring a camera. Bring your neighbor. Bring an appetite. We’ll provide the best breakfast in Berks County! The Reading Buccaneers Brass Ensemble will provide Holiday music. And Santa will provide lots of smiles and wonderful memories. We hope to see you there.

Charity Golf Tournament Payouts

We welcomed representatives from each of the four beneficiaries of our Third Annual Charity Golf Tournament to our October All-You-Care-to-Eat Breakfast to present their checks from the Tournament’s proceeds. This year’s event raised $16,000 and we wish to thank all who played, volunteered, supported, and sponsored. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Thank you for supporting our Council.

Many thanks to our parishioners, families, and friends for their support throughout this past fraternal year. When we started our current year on July 1 we didn’t know what to expect. COVID-19 had already altered our plans for earlier in the year and as doors started to reopen, we kept our fingers crossed.

Your wonderful support of our second annual golf tournament allowed us to raise $10,500 for the St. Ignatius Loyola Scholarship Fund.

Because of your support for our breakfasts, our crab cake sales, our Chance of a Lifetime ticket sales, and our Redner’s sandwich sales, we were able to donate over $14,000 throughout the rest of the year to a number of charities, organizations, and associations.

We thank you for your generosity.

12/19/21 Breakfast with Santa Claus

Our All You Care to Eat Breakfast with Santa Claus will be held on Sunday, December 19, 2021 from 8:00am until 12:00pm in the St. Ignatius School Hall. We hope you’re able to join us for a fun-filled and filling meal. Entertainment will be provided by the Reading Buccaneers Alumni Band and Santa Claus will be available for pictures. Make sure you bring a camera.